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What does the 'Tag Read' option do in the Settings menu?



  • padavich09

    the tag read will not read my tags.  I have checked the tags with a nfc reader and they read fine, but the watch will not pick them up.


    whats is the tag test, maybe i am doing something worng.  As a big fan of shotscope, i am currently feeling disappointed with my purchase of the v5

  • John Nicholson

    I have the same problem as padavich09. Tags not being read by watch. So far I am very unimpressed with the Shot Scope V5 which seems to be an expensive waste of money.

  • cadunn545

    I have the same problem. The watch stopped reading my clubs in the middle of my round. This watch was a replacement of the same defect. I a bit disappointed. Does this issue happen on the X5? Is there an issue with the antenna in the watch? My iPhone detects the NFC tag. Does shotscope work with the iPhone NFC reader such that it can integrate with an iPhone app?



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